High brightness solid-state light emitting diode (LED) technology ideally suited for replacement of incandescent lamps. Low voltage versions include an integrated protection diode allowing for operation at an equivalent alternating voltage. Customization available — Please contact your local Allied sales representative.
Solid-State Reliability
Long Operating Life
Low Power Consumption
Low Heat Generation
Made in Germany
Incandescent Lamp Replacement Guide:
12 VAC/VDC — 12MB, 181, 756, 1488 1815, 1894, 1891, 1893 and 1898
24 VAC/VDC — 24MB, 1437 and 1818
28 VAC/VDC — 313, 757, 1819, 1820, 1829, 1843, 1864, and 1873
130 and 230 VAC — 949