Model A103 Elapsed Time Indicator
A103 elapsed time indicators can be programmed to meet your needs. They display in seconds, minutes, hours, or hours: minutes: seconds. All units use an internal Three volt single or dual battery. Features include a 7-digit supertwist LCD with 0.47" (12 mm) high digits and green illumination display backlight capability. Accepts input signals from dry contact, PNP, or NPN sensors. Timing start/stop can be initiated by solid-state signals or mechanical switches. Reset on front panel or remotely. Ranges and Resolution: Seconds, minutes to 1⁄10, hours to 1⁄10, hours: minutes: seconds. Connections made at screw terminals. Weight: 2.25 ozs. (64 g). Order matching counters, rate indicators and quick-attach option modules separately on this page. Front panel rated NEMA 4/IP65 for use in washdown environments.
The A103 elapsed time indicators provide a range of capabilities unequaled in products of similar size and cost. The A103 series includes matching indicators for count totalization and rate metering, as well as models with a preset output for control by c