Shell Die-cast zinc alloy, Nickel-Plated, Tin Plated Socket Contact, DIN Connectors
DIN is the name given to this high-quality family of versatile miniature audio connectors. Features include solder lug or PC terminations, as well as bright nickel-plated or colorful plastic snap-on shells. Designed for audio circuitry, they are also ideal for test equipment, computers and other types of low level circuits. Precision manufactured. The parts listed are a small representation of a large and growing family. Call the closest sales office for parts not shown.
Switchcraft expands the EN3™ Series up to 18 pins. The EN3™ Series is a popular plastic connector series that meets a number of harsh weather environmental ratings. It's now available from 2 through 18 pins. The 9-18 pin versions are only available with s