The SNAP-B6 is a high-speed, addressable brain that can remotely control a mix of both analog and digital I/O modules, using the Pamux® protocol. Since the SNAP-B6 is designed for use with Opto 22's SNAP “B Series” mounting racks, capable of handling eight, 12, or 16 I/O modules, it has a maximum capacity of 32 analog channels, or 16 analog and 32 digital channels. The equivalent of two regular B6 analog brains and one regular B4 digital brain, the SNAP-B6 provides power and flexibility in a compact package. The SNAP-B6 includes an on-board microprocessor that continually scans all I/O points on the mounting rack, performs necessary conversions, and then updates a dual-port RAM. The host computer transfers data along the Pamux bus by reading from or writing to the dual-port RAM. The SNAP-B6 includes an adapter cable with two 50-pin connectors to attach to the Pamux bus or a terminator board. Up to 16 SNAP-B6 brains can be linked on a single Pamux bus to
control up to 512 points of analog or digital I/O. Each SNAP-B6 requires 5 VDC ±0.1 V @ 1.0 A (plus an additional 0.5 A if a terminator board is installed).