FLUKE-27B W/SV225產(chǎn)品概述
The SV225 Stray Voltage Eliminator (hereafter referred to as “the Adapter") is a digital multimeter accessory that allows measurements in circuits which may be subject to stray voltages encountered from adjacent-energized wiring. The Adapter provides an approximate 3,000 e load to the measured circuit, desensitizing the meter to low energy, spurious sources of interference. The Adapter is only used for voltage measurements. When used with a compatible digital multimeter, it can be determined whether the circuits under test are energized or not.
Voltages up to 1000 volts continuous can be safely applied to the Adapter without damage.
Operation Temperature -20 °C to +55 °C (-40 °F to 131 °F)
Altitude 2,000 Meters Operating
Humidity 90 % at 0 to 35 °C (32 °F to 95 °F), 70 % at 35 to 55 °C (95 °F to 131 °F)
Nominal Resistance 3,000 Ω @ 25 °C (77 °F)
Instrument Compatibility
The Adapter is for use with any high-impedance digital multimeter (≥ 1 MΩ) which accepts 4 mm safety-shrouded banana plugs and with any test leads using the same safetyshrouded banana plugs. The Adapter is compatible with the following Fluke digital multimeters and testers:
Fluke 27
70 Series
80 Series
Fluke-110 Series
170 Series
180 Series
T5 Series testers
Operation To use the Adapter, do the following:
1. Plug the Adapter into the digital multimeter’s V/Ω and COMMON input jacks.
2. Plug the test leads into the Adapter input jacks observing the proper polarity (red lead to red jack, black lead to black jack). Make sure the leads and Adapter are fully connected to the instrument.
3. Turn the multimeter’s function switch to the Volts AC measurement function. XW Warning To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, before testing the desired circuit, ensure that the multimeter and Adapter are functioning properly by testing a known live circuit. A deenergized circuit will be indicated on the multimeter display as a reading near zero volts.
4. After determining the circuit under test is de-energized, retest the known live circuit again to insure the multimeter and Adapter are still working properly.